Monday, February 15, 2010

A New Level of Frustration

I really wanted to be induced on Wednesday.  Even though I am truly terrified of labor and childbirth, and even though I know absolutely nothing about babies/children, I really wanted to be induced on Wednesday.  I would have been happy with Friday, but no, its Monday.  So I have a whole week to wait until I can be induced.  I am hoping at my appointment on Wednesday I will have progressed and dilated to more than 1 cm and he will move up the induction.  But I'm not holding my breath.

I'm miserable and whiney and I complain too much.  I'm also just ready to meet my son.  I'm also ready to sleep, though I know that won't happen with a newborn baby in the house.  I can't stand my attitude right now.  I was OK for most of the day, but as the day wore on and I became more tired, depression set in, as it so commonly does in the night hours for me, and now I'm just one grumpy momma!  My poor family and animals.  I am completely out of patience with pretty much everyone and everything, so I have warned everyone to not take it personal.

Tomorrow my mission is to eat tons of spicy food!!!  I don't like spicy food, and there isn't any in this house, so I'm not sure how that's going to work, but its a goal nevertheless!  There are also a few more "tricks" I may try, but those are not up for discussion.

I plan on keeping myself super busy tomorrow.  I will have tons of work to do, pictures to take, housework to get done, and animals to take care of.  So hopefully that will keep my mind off the fact that I will remain pregnant for another week.  And now, I am done whining!  I am grateful for my precious son, family, and animals.  God is good and everything will work out!

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